This is the first bag I have ever made myself. I’m very pleased with it and I use it almost every day. I got my inspiration from the Youtube video from Glory Allen. I ended up adding a little zip-pocket, because I hate the idea of tossing my keys/phone/wallet in my bag and then have to search for it when I get to my apartment’s front door/shop checkout/et cetera.
What I like about the design of the Tsuno bag is that it is very easy to adjust the length of the strap. You simply tie the knot a bit higher or lower.
One of the things I still need to learn is to calculate the exact amount of supplies I need for a project. I remember when I got into the haberdashery and wanted to get some bias binding for this bag that I had no clue how much I needed. When the shop assistant asked me how much bias binding I needed I didn’t really know what to say, so I said: ‘eh yeah, one meter is enough I think?’
Spoiler alert: one meter was not enough. That’s why I ended up using a different colour of bias binding for each side of the bag. The colours go quite well together and I’m pleased I had just about enough to cover each side. Now it almost looks like feature instead of a bug, and I like that 🙂