I’ve been caught by the sewing bug. After finishing the sewing course earlier this year, I made a couple of personal projects like a set of bike bags and a Tsuno-bag. And then I realised… I love making things with pockets! In my daily wardrobe I strongly prefer items with many pockets. They are very handy and very explorer core. And thus, henceforth I will strive towards obtaining the title ‘the pocket master’.
How I will do this? By making many items with pockets of course!
Exhibit 1: this custom made vest.

I came up with my own pattern, based on a shirt I had laying around. Halfway through I came up with the idea to add lining to the vest (this messed up my calculations for the seam allowance a bit, but you won’t really notice that since the vest doesn’t have buttons and thus doesn’t close). It did make me realise that it would be cool for a next project to make a garment that is very well tailored to my body. Although I’m a bit afraid of that challenge to be honest… 🙂